Little stories about my Nan!

Created by Michelle 4 years ago

I have many happy memories of my Nan and Grandad from my childhood. Most of them were free, spent in the garden or the woods collecting flowers, shelling peas and penny arcades in Felixstowe. I am sure these were endless summers when it never rained and there was not a cloud in the sky.

My Nan hated the cold! Especially a draught, which is a trait I seem to have inherited! If there was a draught within 50 metres Nan could detect it like someone on a secret mission! Never any chance of being cold in her house.

She made a mean apple crumble and custard. Proper custard, not out of a packet!

Evelyn or Ev as she was called by those she loved had a sweet tooth. Even though she would deny it. The fridge was always stocked with some sweet treat. Everything, and I mean everything had an extra spoon of sugar added, just in case.

She was a terrible driver! Something we never discussed until the funeral but all the grandchildren had taken their life into their own hands in Nans car. Apparently she quite often crashed into the gate posts, usually when Grandad had just bought a new car or repaired the posts after the last time! She never went on big girls roads!

Last but not least- she loved a Crunchie!!